How to create a healthy and comfortable indoor sound environment? ---HAIRUI ROCKWOOL INSULATION


 How to create a healthy and comfortable indoor sound environment? ---HAIRUI ROCKWOOL INSULATION

In today's houses, people go out day and night and return at night. Except for the retired elderly, most people have similar schedules. However, in recent years, there have been a number of freelancers, such as anchor Internet celebrities, stock speculators, and online shop owners. These people who stay at home for a long time are mostly mental workers and are very sensitive to interference in the neighborhood. Compared with people who go to work in the company, they "make" more house noise.

Especially affected by the epidemic this year, quiet and comfortable indoor life has almost become a rigid demand for everyone.

Quality sleep requires calm

Studies have pointed out that noise is the most important external cause that affects sleep, and lack of sleep caused by noise can seriously threaten human health, especially irregular and sudden noise. Lack of sleep can cause health damages such as insufficient rest of the cerebral cortex, reduced immunity, and brain dysfunction. During sleep, noise can cause problems such as increased awakenings, decreased sleep duration, fragmented sleep cycles, and reduced sleep quality.

Home office needs quiet

It is very different from watching TV, listening to music, and home entertainment in daily life. Working at home requires concentration and concentration. The internal noise of the room and the noise of neighbourhood activities are the most important interference in home office. Most of these sounds are sporadic and often interrupt people's thoughts unexpectedly, force people to divert attention, and seriously affect work efficiency.
Therefore, from the perspective of home life and office health, on the one hand, it is necessary to control the noise source in the living room, and on the other hand, it is necessary to improve the sound insulation and sound absorption effect of the wall.

Rock wool-private sound barrier

Generally speaking, the greater the mass of a homogeneous material wall, the smaller the displacement caused by the action of air molecules on the wall, the smaller the amplitude of the wall, and the lower the amount of sound passing through. Therefore, sound insulation materials such as rock wool are often used for filling in architectural design to ensure better sound insulation and sound absorption between households.

Rock wool is a porous fibrous inorganic material. The internal air volume accounts for 90-95% of the entire surface volume, and air can enter and exit freely. When the air that propagates sound enters, the air molecules rub against the fiber surface, and the mechanical energy is converted into heat energy, and the amplitude is greatly attenuated. The macroscopic performance is that the sound energy is absorbed and the sound level is reduced.
In addition, rock wool can also be used as the damping elastic layer of the floor slab to buffer the impact strength, thereby improving the sound insulation effect of the floor impact sound.
To create a comfortable home, working and living environment, technical measures such as noise reduction, sound insulation, and sound absorption are required. Design standards, new materials, and management systems play a significant role in the creation of acoustic environments.